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26 April 2015

Rochester Salvation Army Wins Two Awards

It’s always a wonderful occasion when The Salvation Army employees and programs are recognized by their community. The Salvation Army of Rochester, staff and programs were recently honored for “doing the most good” in their community.

Tracy Dalykas

Rochester’s Volunteer Coordinator Tracy Dalykas received the All New Breakfast Buzz Roc Star Award from WBZA in February. She was nominated by a co-worker. The award honors a Rochestarian who goes above and beyond to make Rochester the best community it can be!

Project Bundle Up

Project Bundle UpFor the past 14 years each fall, Rochester Area Services has offered a program called Project Bundle Up, providing new warm coats from JC Penney stores to needy children in Monroe County.  This project was recognized in USA Today earlier this month with a photo and story. It was spotlighted as part of a series about USA Today’s Make a Difference Day, the nation’s largest annual day of volunteering. Rochester Area Services will receive a $10,000 grant and will be honored at an awards event in Washington, D.C., next month.

Over 275 community volunteers, JC Penney employees and First Student bus drivers supported this event. With their help, 364 children in need from all corners of Monroe County were transported to  area JC Penney stores where they were able to select a warm winter coat. Many of these children have never owned a new coat before and their smiling faces made all involved realize how the things we take for granted can mean so much to others.