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27 June 2015

Within The Salvation Army organization, this has been a transition week for many officers who are moving to new assignments.

The officers and envoys have worked tirelessly to help individuals and families transformed their lives with hope and a renewed awareness of God’s love for them.  They and their employees and volunteers are Doing the Most Good for those in need each day. 

As The Salvation Army celebrates the 150th global anniversary this year, we thank them for their service.           

At our Empire Division Headquarters (DHQ), Divisional Commander Majors Donald and Arvilla Hostetler are retiring. Majors Pauline and Thomas Dressler have accepted new assignments at Eastern Territorial Headquarters.  Major Pauline will be Assistant Program Secretary and Major Tom will be Assistant Finance Director.  Majors Barbara and Carl Carvill have been appointed to be corps officers in Asbury Park, New Jersey.

Also at DHQ, Major Martina Cornell has been named divisional Program Secretary and Hispanic Ministries Liaison. Major Constance Higgins has been named divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary and Fellowship of the Silver Star Secretary.  Major Timothy Higgins has been named Assistant Financial Secretary for the division.

In Corning, New York, Majors Laurence and Lynne Wittenberg have a new assignment in Atlantic City, New Jersey.  They have been in Corning for the last two years and Captains Francisco and Wanda Rivera will succeed them. Captains Antonio and Diego Bedoya have been appointed to the Buffalo Temple Corps to take over from Captains Rivera.

In Wellsville, New York, Captains David and Kristen Means will be moving to divisional headquarters for the Eastern Pennsylvania Division. They have been in Wellsville since 2011. Captain David will be the Divisional Youth Secretary and Associate Candidates’ Secretary. Captain Kristen will be the Divisional Candidates’ Secretary and Associate Youth Secretary.

In Ogdensburg, Captains Angela and Tim Shaffer have accepted appointment to the Danbury, Connecticut Corps.  They have been pastors and corps officers in Ogdensburg for four years.  Newly commissioned officers Lt. Shaun and Stacy McNeil have been assigned there.

Major Evelyn Hopping who has been working in Oneonta will be moving to Wellsville to become the corps officer there.  Major Sharon Harford, coming from Western Pennsylvania division, will succeed Major Hopping.

Lt. Philip Davies, who had been assigned to Olean, New York corps earlier this year, has been assigned as corps officer in New Britain, Connecticut.

Captain Anna Hawkins has accepted appointment to the Olean, New York corps.

In Plattsburgh, New York, Envoys Belinda (Sue) and Frank Smith are retiring and Majors Charlene and Mark Hager have been named the new corps officers and pastors.

  We wish them God’s Blessings in their new assignments.