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28 May 2015

Faces of The Army | Majors Thomas and Kathleen Applin

The Salvation Army, faith and following God’s lead, brought a young couple together many years ago and have led to a third generation to dedicate their lives to God and The Salvation Army.

Major Thomas Applin

Faith and church has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.  From infancy, my grandmother took me, my brothers and my sister to church at least twice on Sunday. Her prayer time with us every day was foundational in my relationship with God. When my parents rededicated their lives to Christ, they continued the tradition of faith and church for our family. I clearly remember my personal salvation experience that occurred during Vacation Bible school at the Dansville Free Methodist Church. My grandmother, parents and faithful church family nurtured me in my faith. I sensed as a young person that God was calling me to ministry.

My church and teachers at school recognized that I had a talent and giftedness in music, and at their encouragement, I worked to refine this talent. I excelled to a point that I was accepted to several prestigious music schools for college. Being from a poor family, I could not attend them, but by God’s direction I was able to attend Roberts Wesleyan College. While there, I recognized that while I loved music, God’s calling for my life was to the pastoral ministry. The faithfulness of the college staff made my migration of a self-centered life to a God centered life a natural part of my spiritual maturity.

While at Roberts, I met The Salvation Army. As a result, while working at The Salvation Army Saddle Lake Camp during the summers, I met the beautiful woman who would become my wife, Kathy.

Major Kathleen Applin

Minnie Stevens Roberts faithfully attended the Oneonta Salvation Army along with her mother, and her 5 brothers and sisters. Tragically, her mother was promoted to glory when Minnie was young, leaving her father to care for the children. Often, the children had to care for one another. While a teenager, Minnie returned home from school one day to find that her father had packed up and left town with her brothers and sisters, leaving Minnie alone. The caring and loving officers of the local Salvation Army took her in and made her a part of their family. Minnie remained a lifelong Salvationist and local officer at the Oneonta corps. Her daughter, Eleanor Roberts Knapp, was an ex-officer who became the Corps Sargent Major of the Oneonta corps and served in this position for over 40 years until her promotion to glory. Eleanor was my mother. Her ministry in the Oneonta corps directly and indirectly affected countless individuals. I have served as an officer of The Salvation Army for 33 years in corps and divisional appointments all over the Eastern Territory. My daughter, Evangeline Miller works in ministry in the Empire State Division as the Creative Arts Specialist, and my son and daughter in love, Cadets Bramwell and Jana Applin are cadets at The College For Officer Training, and will be commissioned as Salvation Army officers in June.

I (Major Kathy Applin) am grateful that at her time of deepest need, a faithful officer of our local corps ministered to my grandmother and this act of God inspired love has affected 4 generations of ministry for God’s kingdom. Never underestimate the power of Christ’s message on those you touch in life through ministry. The person you minister to just might be another Minnie Stevens

Individually and together, Majors Applin have honored God’s calling to serve as officers for 33 years. They have been blessed again and again in touching people’s lives for the kingdom of God. There is nothing better than faithfully following God’s leading.

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