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20 May 2015

I grew up in a family full of strong women who served their families and served God.  It is because of these women, and many other strong women in the church, that I became a Salvation Army officer.

As a child in our home, it was expected that we grow in our faith and grow in service to God.  At age 16, I had the privilege to travel with my church to Brazil for two weeks and serve at both a seminary and in the poor “favelas” (ghettos). While on my trip, we had time daily for personal devotions focusing on service. I felt God calling me strongly to serve him full-time in ministry. 

Not until six years later that I started to follow this call. I had begun to attend The Salvation Army while in college and was in the process of becoming a Senior Soldier.  My corps officer challenged us to fast (abstain from something) and use that time to ask God what He had in store for us as soldiers (members of the church).

Over the course of that week, my devotions returned me regularly to the book of Isaiah.  His simple words to God in Isaiah 6:8 reminded me of my call to ministry at age 16. 

Then I heard the Lord asking, "Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?" I said, "Here I am. Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8, NLT)

I loved serving in my local corps and had regularly volunteered with college students and became the a kids leader. Yet I strongly felt called to something more. I felt God calling me to tell others about His love and how to grow in His love full time.  I wanted to serve Him in ministry soon began my application process to become an Salvation Army officer. 

One question asked of me during my application process sticks out.  A senior officer asked me, “how do you feel knowing you may move every five years for your entire career?”  As a military child who didn’t have one place to call home but many, I answered, “I haven’t lived anywhere longer than five years my entire life, why start now.”  I knew ministry with The Salvation Army would be full of many changes but I knew God had brought me through so many changes already and would bring me through more. 

Hanging in my living room is a map of the United States with the words “Home is where The Salvation Army sends you.”  I’ve created a collage with each place my husband and I have been appointed to serve.  Even more than knowing The Salvation Army has appointed us to locations, we know God has appointed us to ministry and had glorious plans for us in each location.

We’ve had the opportunity to serve and for me to fulfill that call I heard while reading Isaiah.  I continue to say to God, “Here I am, send me.”  My ministry is about loving, serving and being sent by God.

Tags: Faces of The Army