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31 May 2015

Faces of The Army | Major Marilyn Heimbrock

I’ve been attending church in a Salvation Army Chapel since I was three days old, and I have been actively involved in the programs since I can remember. You see, I grew up in the Salvation Army, my parents are Salvation Army Officers now enjoying their retirement, and both sets of grandparents were Salvation Army Soldiers.

I was called by God to be a Salvation Army Officer when I was a junior in High School. A few years after High School graduation, my husband and I were married.  We met in Cincinnati where my parents were assigned. We were both active in our corps as lay leaders, we worked with teens from our community and taught Sunday School classes. I was in the divisional band -  music was important to me and I enjoyed the fellowship of my fellow bandsmen, I enjoyed the travel and ministry the band had.

My husband, Ron, and I, had so many good times and felt happiest when we were working with the kids in our corps. Teaching them about the love of God and sharing that love with them. They became our children because we did not have any of our own at that time. We enjoyed watching them develop into young adults and we hoped that the influence we had on them would be positive.

One day after my husband of then 15 years returned home from a weekend Men’s Fellowship Camp, he walked into our home and announced that we were going to go to The Salvation Army School for Officer Training (SFOT).  My calling was confirmed and I knew then that God truly did have a plan for my life as an Officer in The Salvation Army.

It was only natural then that we would be obedient to God and we entered the SFOT.  I wanted to continue to be an influence on people, I wanted to share God’s love with them and welcome them into His family. I wanted to teach and preach and offer a hand up whenever I could.

Commissioned as “Messengers of God’s Love,” our session (class) name, we went out to our first appointment in Connecticut. I remember 9/11 so clearly; we were still stationed in that first appointment at the time. My husband went into the city with the Canteen our corps had. We filled it with supplies that were starting to be delivered to our building.  I was left behind to manage the business of the corps; the donations of supplies kept coming and coming and coming. The entire basement of the church was filled with supplies that flooded in and at times was overwhelming, but I knew that God had His hand on the work we were doing. It was such a blessing to talk to and pray with the people in my community as they came to share their resources. I believe God used this time to help heal certain issues within the community as well. It was a privilege to be there, at that time, in ministry.

As happens in The Salvation Army, we received a phone call informing us that we would be moving on, we were being appointed to serve in the Empire Division in the state of New York. We packed our family belongings and moved on.  Each of the three appointments we have had since then have had unique opportunities for ministry. That’s what I love about being a Salvation Army Officer, God always stretches me and shows me new ways to approach people and share with them the message of His love. He provides just what we need at just the right time to accomplish His work.  I am reminded constantly of the Scripture verse in Romans, chapter 8, verse 28 that says “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  I want to continue to obedient to that calling and share the Gospel of Christ to anyone willing to learn of His love for them.

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